Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Assalammualaikum, Hai, Annyonghaseyo....

sebabkan x boleh tidur so Putrin mengeledahlah blog Putrin ni kejap.....nothing news, cuma Putrin nak berkongsi satu artikel dri i luv islam....enjoy reading this n please take a note ^__^


Nowadays, there is a trend on Facebook/Twitter/blog/tumblr where people would talk about marriage; demanding a great, soleh husband/wife to enter the Jannah together and so on.

Looking at a positive side, I can't deny that it is good for us to have a perspective that a relationship between a man and a woman is a thousand way better with marriage - as all of us (Muslims) get the fact that marriage has more barakah and is a halal way to express love.

Furthermore, a successful marriage is a door to Jannah. I find that it is beautiful when it is said that if a woman is a man's key to paradise (by helping him to fulfill his deen with her through marriage and being an obedient wife), so, a man is a woman's door to Jannah. The key that opens the door - a husband and a wife need each other's help to get there, masya-Allah.

The Prophet Muhammad SAW said: ''The most perfect believer in faith is the one whose character is finest and who is kindest to his wife.'' (Tirmidhi and Nasa'i)

As a Muslim woman, I also want a great man to marry me - the man who lowers his gaze so that I become the only woman he sees, the man who preserved his heart for me, the man whose love will make me stronger - a gift from Allah, insya-Allah. Surely, I want him to encourage me to be closer to Allah in our baitul muslim; baitul dakwah.

But sisters, do you think that a prince of deen will marry you while you just sit in front of your laptop, busy updating your status about marrying a righteous man or sharing almost all of Irma Hasmie's marriage photos and saying how lucky she is to become a wife of a great man? Will a prince of deen look for you just because of your splendid poem about marriage, your 'surat-buat-calon-suami' entries or your 'menanti-bakal-imamku-dunia-akhirat' status? No.

And why do you focus on finding a righteous man (a prince of deen) only? Stop it. Don't let your imagination ruin yourself. There are many doors of Jannah so there are many ways to enter them. Don't just focus on one way (marriage). Be a righteous person first, prepare yourself. Devote yourself to Allah and when you stop searching for a prince and make Allah the King of your heart, He will help you to complete your fairy tale.

"I tell the boys and girls; Allah has already written the name of your spouses for you. What you need to work on is your relationship with Allah. He will send him/her to you when you're ready. It is only a matter of time." - Sheikh Mamdouh

For ladies, remember this - don't worry if you haven't found your life partner. Be a righteous woman not just because you want to marry a righteous man. Marry a righteous man not just because you want him to go with you to Jannah. You can attain Jannah with or without marriage. Now is the time for you be the one that can lead yourself there.

Take Maryam RA as an example. She never did get married but was still a righteous woman in the eye of Allah SWT. He says:

"And (the example of) Mary, the daughter of 'Imran, who guarded her chastity, so we blew into (her garment) through Our Angel, and she believed in the words of her Lord and His scriptures and was the devoutly obedient."
(Surah at-Tahrim, verse 12)

Pray and make du'a for the best, not just for life in dunya but also for hereafter. Ask Allah to forgive our sins, our parents' sins, our family's, teachers' and friends'. Don't forget to make du'a for our brothers and sisters in Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Burma after every prayer.

And ask Allah to help ourselves to be among the righteous men.

- Artikel

# u can dance with ur prince if he was halal to u^^

okay thats all yg Putrin nak kongsi so lain kali Putrin another artikel plak yaaa...dada..sayonara..XOXOD

Sunday, 20 January 2013


Assalamualaikum, hai, Annyonghaseyo.....

hahahhahaha...pelik3....memang Putrin rasa pelik sangat...tetibe Putrin gelak sensowang pepagi buta nih....Putrin bukan sewel k...Putrin baru je update post kejap tadi tau...pastu kan tetibe Putrin tgok tarikh die 19 hribulan padahal harini dah msuk 20....pelik memang pelik....
owhhhh...i seeeeee.....rupa2nya Putrin x tukar time zone uhhh..hahahha...yg peliknya Putrin bukan belog ni kan...salah Putrin bkan salah belog...hehehheh...opssss
ok dah alang2 Putrin update post yg kedua hari ni so biar Putrin stolly about this date '20 JANUARY'
so lets begin...tarikh ni adlah tarikh kelahiran seseorg yg bermakna buat Putrin....dia sangat Putrin sayang...tersangat sayang...tadi pkul 2.30 pagi Putrin tepon n wish 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' tuk dia....sorylah lmbat ckit...terleka..heheh...
dia x lain x bukan adalah akak Putrin....NOT AKAK ANGKAT BUT AKAK KANDUNG....Putrin x mainlah angkat2 nie...yewww pleaselah...heheh..dalam banyak2 adik beradik Putrin(wow banyak nyew adk bradik kan...) dia adalah yg paling rapat...hehe...
Putrin masih ingat g dari kecik Putrin mmg slaloo kene kongsi bilik dgan dia...mgkin tu buat kmi rapatkan...tapi kitorang banyak gak gado dulu tapi at least baik balik...well air d cincang mne leh putus...alinlah talikan..heheh...
pernah kitorang berbalas surat waktu akk Putrin nie kene duk asrama waktu dia form 1...bile dia balik umah...dia akan kasi surat kat Putrin...bila time dia nak balik sane Putrin akn letak surat kat dalam beg dia...apa saje stolly pasal dia Putrin tahu....miss that time...huhuhu
so NORZANA HAIDA BINTI MOHD IDRIS...i love u so muchhhh....hepy bzday yg ke 22 tahun...semoga d panjangkan umur....

#nilah akak aq yg comey uh ngan pakwe die..huhu^^

p/s;awak oh awak,,kalau bolehkan saya nak tgok awak pkai tudung^^

that is the stolly behind 20 JANUARY in Putrin's life^^..ok dada sayonara XOXOD

sebab nak yang HALAL

Assalamualaikum, Hai, Annyonghaseyo.....

saje pepagi ni Putrin update pasal nie.....dah lame dah Putrin create n post kat fb....bile baru aktif blik berbelog ni barulah nak ingt tuk update kat belog this is the stolly^^

sebab nak yg HALAL, saya putus dengan awak..

-ckaplah apapun...saya putus ngan awk sbab sy x nak lagi tanggung dosa...dah lah sy ni banyk dosa...kapel ngan awak lagi bertmbah lah dosa kita...dosa kita tuh satu,,,dosa org2 yg mlihat maksiat2(pgang2 tgn,pluk2) yg kita lakukan tu pun kena kira jgak sbab kitalah penyabb mereka mengata...

-x kisahlah awk nak kata sy ni kejam ke x setia ke...terpulang pd awk sbb sy yakin jika mmg kita berjodoh wlau kita clash skalipun, stu hari nanti sy ttp milik awk selmanya...dan yg pnting wktu itu sy dijadikan HALAL buatmu....

-selpas ni x akan ada lelaki yg bertakhta di hati sy melainkan seorag lelaki yang bernama 'SUAMI'. sayang x nak bila awk bersama sy, awk mlakukan dosa...kerana syg sy tinggalkan awak...krna sygnya saya syg pada yg haram...biarkan stu hari nanti sygnya sy pda yg halal...

-semoga awk mengerti dan semoga SAYALAH YG HALAL BUAT AWAK <3

#just a story
ok2...that its di pepagi buta nih...dada...sayonara..XOXOD

Saturday, 19 January 2013

a NEW LooK

Assalammualaikum, Hai, Annyonghaseyo....

berkurun zamannya Putrin x update belog Putrin ni kan...ish ish ish..
skang ni bila roomate2 Putrin duk heboh pasal belog barulah duk memulas otak ingat pasword nie....dok teringat nak update belog nih...tahu dak...masa Putrin bukak belog nie Putrin jumpa apa...hah bukan setakat sarang labah2...telur dinasor pun jumpa tau...hahhaha..galak haih Putrin ni kan....hurmmm skang ni dengan azam yg baru dok nak update belog nie....boleh caye ke kata2 Putrin ni kan...tah2 next year plak baru update post baru..hehe......setahun sekali..ape kejadahnya,...x pe2 sekuarang2nya ada jugak azam baru kan...ops azam...please lah...hahaha..ok2 that its..the permulaan belog Putrin d tahun 2013 ni...ermmm...nak upgrade ckit belog ni nantikan a new look from me yaaaa.....dada..sayonara..XOXO
*a new look with a new feel